The Forest Hill Society has written to object to a recent planning application at 59-61 Dartmouth Road
I am writing on behalf of the Forest Hill Society regarding the proposed
development at 59-61 DARTMOUTH ROAD, application DC/21/121195: The construction
of an additional storey at 59-61 Dartmouth Road, SE23 together with an
additional storey on the existing rear projection at No. 61, a four storey
enclosed stairwell to the rear of No.59 and rear dormers to provide a 5 person
HMO, 1x two bedroom and 1x three bedroom self-contained units and all
associated works.
Recently we have been made aware of aspects of this
application that we cannot support, and we wish to register our objection to
this application.
The plans and application form state that the first floor of
this property is an HMO. There is no record of a previous planning application for
this change of use in a conservation area, nor is this property registered with
Lewisham Council as an HMO. The application states that there is existing
permitted use for C4 (HMO) for 131.7m. We believe this to be inaccurate
information that significantly changes the nature of this application.
This planning application should be considered with
reference to Lewisham Local Plan DM policy 6
DM Policy 6 - Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)
1. The Council will only consider the provision of
new Houses in Multiple
Occupation where they:
a. are located in an area with a public transport
accessibility level (PTAL) of 3 or higher
b. do not give rise to any significant amenity
impact(s) on the surrounding neighbourhood
c. do not result in the loss of existing larger
housing suitable for family occupation
The conversion that has
already been made (without planning permission) has resulted in the loss of an existing
larger housing suitable for family occupation. There have also been numerous
reports by neighbouring residents and shopkeepers of anti-social and criminal
behaviour in and around the existing HMO.
The addition of two units
above a poorly managed HMO would make it unsuitable for families due to the
existing anti-social behaviour, as a result there continues to be a net loss of
family housing on this site, which goes against planning policy.
For the reasons set out
above, we would encourage Lewisham Council to refuse this planning application.