About Us

The Forest Hill Society was established in May 2006
  1. to stimulate public interest and to promote civic pride in and around Forest Hill
  2. to promote high standards of planning, architecture, sustainability and services
  3. to secure the conservation and enhancement of amenities and features of public interest, and
  4. has a policy of inclusion and equality of opportunity within the Society

We are proud to live in Forest Hill and think the time is right to give the area a strong voice. By supporting the Forest Hill Society, you can make sure that our community gets the amenities, transport and environment it needs and deserves.

SE23 should be shouting from the hilltop about the great things the area has to offer, but for too long it has been neglected. The Forest Hill Society exists to make sure that our community gets the amenities, transport and environment it needs and deserves. By supporting us, you can help us to achieve these aims.
At the Forest Hill Society, we work hard on many fronts including
  • Public Transport
    We have regular meetings with Tfl, Lewisham, LOROL and Southern to improve our station facilities, bus and train services.
  • Forest Hill Pools
    The Society successfully campaigned for high quality swimming facilities to be built on Dartmouth Road at the earliest possible date.
  • Town Centre
    We promote high standards for commercial or residential building and shop frontages and were instrumental in PopUp Forest Hill, The Forest Hill Food Fair in 2012-2013, the SEE3 Portas Pilot funding and improvements, and planting the beds outside the station.
  • A Sense of Community
    The Society arranges a variety of social events for the whole community to enjoy including nature walks and local history talks.

BUT … what is the future for Forest Hill?

The station needs upgrading, the town centre is split in four by the South Circular and the railway, there are far too many empty, commercial properties on the high street. The list goes on.

The Forest Hill Society will promote what’s best about the area as well as working with the Council to get the improvements we urgently need.