07 December 2015

The Path to a New Visitors’ Centre in Devonshire Road Nature Reserve

Those of you who know the Devonshire Road Nature Reserve will have seen the site develop over the last decade and a half from a run-down, underused bramble patch to the vibrant, lively place it is today. A host of projects from digging ponds to building permanent garden shelters and paths have transformed the place and the Friends of Devonshire Road Nature Reserve have become experienced at delivering projects and events to involve the whole community.

We now want to tackle the big one; we want to replace the crumbling, 40 year old pre-fab classroom that serves as a visitor centre with a purpose built, ecologically designed flagship building. More than that, we want to involve volunteers from the community to deliver the building, as we have with all the other infrastructure projects.

A good deal of preparatory work has been done over the last few years; we’ve attended courses on community building and consultation, got to grips with funding applications, learnt green-oak carpentry skills, installed a living roof, dug and cast foundations and spent countless hours dreaming and discussing the project. What we need now is fund-raisers, architects, craftsmen and willing volunteers to get involved with all stages of the project, people who have that feeling that they have something to contribute but lack an outlet for their energy.

If you are interested and feel you can contribute, please contact Jacob Twyford at jake at fhsoc.com for more details.

Article by Jake Twyford

Forest Hill Traders Association reject Library Proposals

Forest Hill Traders have come together to oppose Lewisham Council's plans to convert Forest Hill Library to a Community Library.

"We do understand the Council has a need to cut costs and that there is an opportunity to reduce outgoings by re-structuring the existing council-run libraries in the borough.However we wish to stress in the strongest possible terms that in our opinion a community library would not be suitable for the Forest Hill, nor would any change of use of the current space on the ground floor into a café, or indeed any other commercial operation."
Full text of their letter to Sir Steve Bullock can be read here.

06 December 2015

AGM Update

The Society’s AGM took place at the Honor Oak Pub on 22 October. Chairman Michael Abrahams began by looking back over a successful year for the Society. For the third year running, the Royal Horticultural Association judged our planting at the station and on the adjoining High Roads to be “Outstanding”. The Society was prominent in the successful bid to the Greater London Authority for funding to improve the public space in front of Louise House. Our planning workshop had also informed plans to improve Dartmouth Road, which will begin to be implemented in 2016.

Thanks were due to Kirkdale Pianos for replacing the street piano at the station, which continues to be a much loved source of fun and entertainment.

The Society had arranged talks on climate change and local history and continued to press for improvements to rail services. Most services have now been restored following major disruption at London Bridge Station and the Society would continue to make the case for late night services especially on Friday and Saturday nights.

Expanding on Michael’s review, Quetta Kaye summed up some of the Society’s environmental achievements during the past year. The launch of the Edible High Road in May had been a great success with shops sponsoring tubs and the Horniman Museum donating free plants to encourage people to grow their own. Hundreds of bulbs planted in the Horniman Triangle had added colour to this important community space while Sydenham School pupils had helped us clear litter from the High Roads.

Alisa Owens, the Treasurer, said that while expenditure had exceeded income during the year, this was planned and the Society’s financial position was “healthy”. There was no need to raise subscriptions but new members were always welcome.

And going forward – the issues that matter to local people
A major purpose of the AGM is to give local people the opportunity to talk about the things in Forest Hill that matter to them. This year the discussion focused on the busy Forest Hill Library.

Local residents were concerned about proposals to build two blocks of flats and new houses on Eliot Bank and the demolition of a large house in Dacres Road. In both cases, the Society will share with residents planning experience and expertise. Also, there continues to be a desire to see improvements to Forest Hill’s play areas and green spaces.

Electing a New Executive Committee
Finally the AGM elected a new committee to take forward the Society’s work. Michael Abrahams was duly re-elected as Chairman, along with Alisa Owens as Treasurer, John Firmin as Secretary and Belinda Evans as Membership Secretary.

The Executive Committee was strengthened by the election of four new members: Alistair Dey, Brendan Cuddihy, Andrew Orford and Rob Owen. The following existing members were also duly re-elected: Quetta Kaye, Hilary Satchwell, John Wysocki, Jake Twyford, Katherine Willett, Penelope Jarrett, Sheila Carson, Alona Sheridan, Katrin Klinger and David McKenzie.

Article by John Firmin, Forest Hill Society Secretary

05 December 2015

Rock n’ Roll in Forest Hill

Alistair Dey recalls Forest Hill’s pop and rock music heritage
The newly rebranded Signal pub in Devonshire Road, both now and in its various incarnations from The Railway Signal to The Hob, has a long and proud tradition as a venue for live music in Forest Hill. I have seen several bands there and this got me thinking about Forest Hill’s rock ‘n’ roll and pop music heritage.

The Capitol cinema (now the Capitol pub) on London Road was a venue for pop groups in the 1960s. But the premier venue for pop music in Forest Hill was the Glenlyn Ballroom at 15A Perry Vale. This later became Crystals Snooker Club and is now the JK Banqueting Suite. Many soon to be very famous names played there – including The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Kinks, The Yardbirds, Dusty Springfield and Cilla Black. The advertising flyer from probably December 1963 or 1964 (courtesy of SE23.com) shows the “star bands” lined up for the month.

The early 1960s group most famously associated with the Glenlyn  Forest Hill was probably The Who. I had long known that The Who had played regularly at the Glenlyn Ballroom. But an amazingly comprehensive (and presumably accurate) article in Wikipedia lists the 26 times The Who played at the Glenlyn in Forest Hill between 13 September 1963 and 29 June 1964. Most of that time, though, they were known as The Detours or The High Numbers before finally changing their name to The Who later in 1964.

In his 2012 autobiography, Pete Townshend of The Who says that in 1963 “our audience was mainly Mods. A few venues like the Notre Dame Church Hall in Soho and the Glenlyn Ballroom, Forest Hill were true Mod strongholds where fashion leaders, called Faces, displayed new outfits and dances like fashion models”.

Pete Townshend also tells the story how at the end of December 1963, The Who supported the Rolling Stones for the first time at a gig in Putney. From the side of the stage, Townshend watched them play and became an instant and life-long fan. As Keith Richards, the Stones guitarist, waited for the curtain to open he limbered up by swinging his arms like a windmill. A few weeks later The Who again supported the Rolling Stones, this time at the Glenlyn Ballroom and when Townshend noticed that Keith Richards did not use the windmill trick again, he decided to use it. Thus, Pete Townshend’s windmill swinging guitar threshing trademark was born in Forest Hill.

The Who played one last time at the Glenlyn Ballroom on 21 January 1966 after they had become famous and later dedicated their 1973 album Quadrophenia in part to the “kids of Forest Hill”.

The Who supported the Rolling Stones at least twice at the Glenlyn Ballroom. The Stones bass player was, of course, Bill Wyman, who would presumably have known Forest Hill quite well as he was born in Bell Green in 1936, just round the corner from the bottom of Perry Rise in the now demolished Miall Road which is now where Dillwyn Close and Miall Walk stand.

Forest Hill’s most famous rock ‘n’ roll son is Francis Rossi, guitarist and lead vocalist of Status Quo. Francis was born in Forest Hill in 1949 and attended Our Lady and St Philip Neri primary school in Forest Hill and then Sedgehill Secondary School in Bellingham. At Sedgehill he met Alan Lancaster (from Peckham) and formed a band in 1962 which, after going through various names and changes of personnel,  became Status Quo.

The Quo hold the record of more hit singles (62 between 1968 and 2010) than any other band in UK chart history. Their first hit was the quasi-psychedelic “Pictures of Matchstick Men” in 1968. They soon changed styles completely to become a denim-clad hard rock and boogie band. I was a great fan in the 1970s. They were musically fairly unadventurous perhaps, but hugely successful and satisfying and you knew exactly what you would get with a Status Quo single in their 1970s heyday.

For those with an interest in Forest Hill’s pop and rock music past there is some good stuff and reminiscences on the Transpontine and SE23.com websites.

04 December 2015

Environment Committee Report

How do you make a chore less of a challenge? Have additional volunteers!

It certainly made a difference when eight people, including some recently joined members of the Forest Hill Society, turned up on Sunday November 1st to help with our winter tidy-up of all the town centre and station planters. Brightly coloured winter flowers had been requested and paid for by London Overground’s station manager, David Rowe, so with such amazing help it took less than two hours to plant all the wallflowers, cyclamens and pansies which you will be able to enjoy throughout the winter months.

The Forest Hill Society was delighted to receive its third "Outstanding" award at the RHS's "It's Your neighbourhood" ceremony in July, receiving eighty-eight points from a total of one hundred. The judge remarked that the group was employing good gardening practices appropriate to the somewhat difficult sites we manage. He appreciated the environmental activities we are engaged in, such as composting, recycling, creating and maintaining green space, as well as addressing such issues as fly-tipping, fly-posting, litter, and graffiti.

The judge commented that he could see that what we did made a difference to local people, and he also  recognised the way we worked in partnership with other organisations receiving support from local businesses, organisations and the local council in the form of grants.

And since then our other major plant donor, the Horniman Gardens, have donated over one hundred (surplus to their requirements) forget-me-not plants to add even more colour to our town centre, which our volunteer group planted on Sunday 22nd November. While we try to steer clear of seasonal bedding plants, those we have planted tend to self seed and will, we hope, emerge again next year.

Christmas is not far away and the Forest Hill Society is dusting off last year’s baubles and lights – and acquiring some new ones – ready to decorate the town centre’s Christmas tree when it arrives, probably in the last week of November. Our festive Christmas tree “switch-on” of the lights is planned for 3.30pm on Saturday December 5th.

Article by Quetta Kaye

03 December 2015

Forest Hill Library Under Threat

During October and November 2015, Lewisham Council consulted residents on the future of the library services, including Forest Hill Library. The proposal from Lewisham Council was for Forest Hill, Manor House, and Torridon Road libraries to become Community Libraries.

Community libraries are owned and managed by not-for-profit organisations and rely on volunteers to keep the building open and services running. Since 2011, five community libraries have been operating in Lewisham, in Crofton Park, Sydenham, Grove Park, Blackheath and New Cross. As a result these libraries have a track record and can be compared to the seven libraries still managed by Lewisham Council.

These smaller libraries were under threat of closure in 2010, so the fact that they have remained open and have increased visitor numbers should be seen as a positive result. However, in terms of providing a working library they have not faired so well. All of the community libraries have seen massive falls in the numbers of books being lent out, with figures in 2014 showing a drop of between 60% and 90% since 2010. Nationally there has been a fall in book borrowing but nothing to compare to this. In the case of Forest Hill library the book borrowing rate fell by just 6% over the same four year period.

Forest Hill is now the third largest lender of books in the borough (after Lewisham and Deptford libraries). In total Forest Hill lends more books than the five community libraries put together. Forest Hill also runs a variety of other activities including IT training, primary school visits, film nights, and seasonal events as an integrated part of the high street.

The Forest Hill Society has written in opposition to the planned change of Forest Hill library to a community library with concerns regarding: a likely drop in book lending, lack of space for alternative (profitable) uses of the building, the number of volunteers needed to run a library for 66 hours a week across 7 days, and lack of professional library staff to make the library focused on books and information technology.

You can read the full submission from the Forest Hill Society here.

Mayor Sir Steve Bullock is due to make a decision on the future of our libraries on 9th December and we will keep you updated.

02 December 2015

Dates for your Diary

Sat 5 December, 3:30pm - Christmas Tree lighting with carols, Forest Hill station

Saturday 23 January, 7:30pm - Forest Hill Society Burns Night, All Inn One, Perry Vale

Sat 5 and Sun 6 December - Horniman Christmas Fair

Thursday 10 December, 7pm - Forest Hill Ward Assembly, Christian Fellowship Centre, Honor Oak Road

Saturday, 23rd January, 10.30am - Crofton Park Ward Assembly, Venue TBC

Thursday 28 January, 7pm - Perry Vale Ward Assembly, Venue TBC 

26 November 2015

Forest Hill CPZ - Forest Hill Society's Response

The Forest Hill Society welcomes the consultation on a controlled parking zone for the centre of Forest Hill, however, we have no view in favour or against, and we believe it is right for local residents to have their say through this consultation. 

We recognise that there is growing pressure on parking due to the success of a number of attractions in Forest Hill including; the museum, the swimming pool, and the shops in the high street. There are also increasing numbers of commuters going through Forest Hill station, and a small proportion of them will travel to the station by car. This pressure on parking means that it is right for residents to consider a CPZ as an option.

There are a number of points that we wish to make in relation to a CPZ. These points should neither be seen as an endorsement or a rejection of a CPZ, but if there were to be a CPZ we would want it to be right scheme for the area.

Impact on Perry Vale and Honor Oak
If a CPZ is introduced in Forest Hill then consideration should be given to including roads between the railway and Sunderland Road, and between Tyson Road and Honor Oak Park. Because the impact is very predictable, consideration to this area must be done at the time of implementation rather than waiting for complaints for residents.

Length of CPZ Restrictions
If a CPZ were to be created in Forest Hill town centre we would favour limiting residential only parking to one or two hours in the morning, rather than for the whole of the day. This would bring the greatest benefits for users of the high street, the pools, and the library.