Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts

06 January 2012

Christmas in Forest Hill

This year saw Forest Hill Society decorate the Christmas tree for the second year, adding baubles and tinsel to the tree. The weather outside was chilly but that did not prevent crowds gathering in the forecourt of Forest Hill Station on December 10th to see Cllr Philip Peake lead the countdown to switch on the Christmas lights.

A string trio led the lusty carol singing as pleasantly surprised crowds gathered to sample the mulled wine, pumpkin soup and hot sausages on sale from Mark and Helen's Smokehaus tent ( and coffee and cakes from Ellie's On the Hoof corner coffee stall.

If you would like to help remove the baubles, please meet at the station on Monday next, 9th January, at 2.00pm.

Our thanks go to LOROL for permission to partially close the forecourt to parking on December 10th and to Skanksa and their man Pete for providing the lights and making them work on time.

Recycle your Christmas Tree

Lewisham will again be recycling Christmas Trees this year. Simply take your tree to one of 12 designated recycling points between now and Friday, 27 January 2012. The two nearest locations are ​Mayow Park (near the entrance on Mayow Road) and ​Sydenham Wells Park (near the entrance on Wells Park Road)

14 December 2011

Lighting Up in SE23

Under a Private Finance Initiative, Croydon and Lewisham councils have appointed Skanska to improve street lighting across both boroughs including the underpass in Forest Hill. The councils won £151 million of government funding.

The project includes an initial five year core investment period where the main replacement of lighting stock, traffic signs and street bollards will be undertaken by Skanska, with an ongoing maintenance and repair programme until 2036. During this period, 20 subways will be relit, 38,000 new lighting columns (lamp posts) installed and over 7,000 illuminated traffic signs and bollards will be replaced on a ward by ward basis. Perry Vale is the first ward to be upgraded locally, with work expected to start in February. Forest Hill, Sydenham and Crofton Park wards follow in the second year of the contract.

The replacement programme takes many factors into account when considering whether to replace or upgrade the existing lighting including age, condition and compatibility of existing equipment. In many circumstances the roads undergo a complete re-design and positions of the columns may be changed as it's not always possible to integrate the existing columns in the new design layout.

Also, the new design sets light the footpaths in addition to the highway, which means that the majority of the lighting columns will be positioned at the back of the footpath where possible. Lighting on side roads will be converted to Iridium white light sources, rather than the current yellow, sodium lamps.

One of the major factors in the replacement programme is to reduce energy consumption, and a typical saving of 30-40% per road can be achieved by utilising the latest technology. It is also possible to detect faults quicker due allowing the street lighting to be maintained much more efficiently.

12 December 2011

Man Dug Pond

A new wildlife pond has arrived on Albion Millennium Green. ‘Man Digs Pond’ was the creation of local performer, Bruno Roubicek who collaborated with Friends of Albion Millennium Green to produce this unique community event.

The pond was constructed during 24 hours from the 5 – 6 November, accompanied by around 40 singers including a choir from Holy Trinity School and a community choir organised by Alix McAdams.

With around 21 volunteers and support in kind from such diverse sources as Theatre Royal Stratford East and Lewisham Green Scene, the event involved a big effort from many in Forest Hill and beyond, so thanks to all who helped, especially Mark Edwards who supplied the delicious food at cost price and Rosalind Meadows who helped out with some great pond plants and advice.

Two weeks later and the pond looks great. Lets hope we get some frogs in the Spring.

11 December 2011


Our exciting initiative of planting at the station and along London Road has been awarded a certificate in the ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ scheme.

We were assessed in the summer and awarded a 'thriving' status - one category (and only three points) down from 'outstanding'. An excellent first year attempt. The beds have also recently been planted with hundreds of spring bulbs, which will be an awesome display next year.

Well done and many thanks to Quetta Kaye and all the green fingered volunteers, and especially to those who laboured through the summer months hauling watering cans.

Thanks to Shannon's Garden Centre for donating plants, the Horniman Gardens for donating compost, Natures Gym for helping us break the back of the project by removing the old shrubs, Willmott Dixon for helping to repair some of the flowerbeds and LOROL for their encouragement and support in making this happen. Also thanks to Lewisham Council and the Forest Hill local assembly for providing funds.

08 December 2011

See It, Report It!

As part of our drive to improve the area, we encourage our members to report any fly tipping, graffiti or other problem to Love Lewisham (see a poignant example illustrated below). You can report anything from a faulty street light to a dead animal and the sooner it is reported, the sooner it will be removed - don't walk past it.

Reporting is simple and can be done in several ways.
  • If you have a smartphone and dataplan, download a free application for your phone. You can then take a photo of the problem and send it to The app automatically logs the location and a picture ensures that the correct team is dispatched to clean up the area, saving time and money.
  • Use the website. Simply create an account or sign in with your Twitter, Facebook, AOL, Google, Yahoo or Windows Live ID (among others). Your password is secure and it is never sent to LoveLewisham. Once signed in, select the location on a map (or type it in), add a picture (if you have one), give them a few details (such as a description) and click the Add button.
  • By TEXT message or MMS. Just send a text or MMS message to 07725 20 20 20 with LCS in the Subject field or as the first part of the message. Include a picture if you can and give a description of the problem and the location. LoveLewisham will get back to you if they need more information.
  • Click on the 'Do It Online' tab, then 'Report It' on the website complete the form.
  • Phone Envirocall on 020 8314 7171 and speak to a human.
Whilst it can sometimes take a couple of reports to resolve the problem, the Society has reported over 20 problems, which have all been resolved.

25 October 2011

Riverwork Days on the River Pool

Information of Events from Thames 21

October: 26th
November: 9th, 23rd
December: 7th

Join Thames21 in our new fortnightly Riverwork Days on the River Pool.

Learn how to support and manage our vital river systems by making a practical difference.
This an opportunity for people to get involved in a long-term project to enhance the character of the river, and make improvements to the river and bankside vegetation.
No experience necessary. All equipment, including safety boots, gloves and tools provided.

People of all age groups and abilities are welcome. Children under 16 need to be supervised by an adult.

TIME: 10.00am - 1.00pm
MEET: Meet at the bridge on Winsford Road, Bell Green, SE6.

28 September 2011

Honor Oak Rec deadline. Act now!

The consultation process by Southwark Council is almost over - you have until Friday to submit your questionnaire. If you have not already done so, the questionnaire can be completed online at Southwark's website.

About 150 people attended last weekend's Public consultation event at the Rec and the questions and comments gave the loud and clear message to the council :
that our community want the Rec to stay as an open green space, to be improved and not used for burial.

We recognise that the passing of loved ones is an emotional affair and that people need to visit graves to grieve, but are also cognisant of the fact that we have limited space locally for the living and the deceased. We are not against burial, but urge Southwark (and Lewisham) to follow a sustainable policy which does not consume valuable amenity space; the previous extensions of Camberwell New Cemetery were supposed to last many years and yet are already full. Using the remaining space of Honor Oak Rec will merely delay the inevitable day when there is no more burial space available in Southwark and Lewisham - it is not a solution to the problem. In 2007 the Government stated it was supporting London boroughs in the reuse of burial grounds that are more than 75 years old.

Our suggested answers
How often do you visit the cemeteries or crematoriums in Southwark?
Enter frequency of visits to all Southwark cemeteries and Honor Oak Rec (which is part of Camberwell New Cemetery from the viewpoint of this questionnaire)
What is the reason for your visit(s)?
Tick all that apply
Do you have a preference for burial or cremation?
Answer truthfully. Obviously, if you say burial, then more burial space is required.
If you have chosen burial as a preference please let us know what would be important to you when selecting a cemetery plot
If you chose burial, then explain that you want a sustainable solution, encouraging grave reuse by lift-and-deepen. The Church of England recommends grave reuse after 50 years in its Churchyards' Handbook.
Do you feel it is important for Southwark Council to continue to provide burial space for its residents
If you feel that Southwark should provide burial space, then stress that this should be either by reuse of existing space, or by provision of new space outside the Borough
Please rate the following options in order of those you feel most appropriate for the future of burials in the borough. Please number your preference from 1 to 8 with 1 being your first preference and 8 being your least favoured option.
A. Re-use of common graves - 1
B. Re-use of private graves - 2
C. Use of burial chambers - 3
D. Find burial site outside of Southwark - 6
E. Share other cemetery or buy privately - 4
F. Find shared land with other councils - 5
G. Use some/all of Honor Oak Recreation Park - 8
H. Stop burying in Southwark Providing a burial service is not a statutory responsibility. - 7
Add comments stating the need for any Burial policy to be sustainable. Also note that when Camberwell New Cemetery opened, there was plenty of green space in the Borough and this is no longer the case; burial space should not be provided at the expense of amenity space.

The campaign to preserve the Rec is being supported by Fields in Trust as well as the Friends of Honor Oak Rec.

03 September 2011

Perry Vale Energy Savers - Launch Event

Time: September 13, 2011 from 7pm to 9pm
Location: Kilmorie School, Kilmorie Road, London SE23 2SP
Organized By: Susan Wise and Lewisham Council

Perry Vale residents (see map of Perry Vale Ward) have been awarded funding from the GLA to improve energy efficiency in their homes.

Participating households will receive a visit from a professional energy advisor who will asess which energy and water saving devices residents can benefit from, install them and offer practical advice on how to reduce energy use,  The scheme is open to everyone in Perry Vale, is completely free with no obligation on the resident's part.

Please attend and learn how to save energy and reduce your energy bills!

Cross Post from Love Perry Vale.

08 August 2011

River Walk

Sunday 21st August, start time 11am
Start point: Bell Green, on Stanton Way, between Sainsbury's Petrol Station and the Southend Lane bridge. Map at
Join us for a walk along the Rivers Pool and Ravensbourne to Ladywell Station. Walking time will be 60-75 minutes.

Picture from here © Copyright Stephen Craven.

20 July 2011

Save Honor Oak Rec

Southwark Council are currently undertaking the promised public consultation on the future of their cemeteries, including the possible use of Honor Oak Rec.

They would like to involve as many residents and councillors from Southwark and Lewisham as they can to take part, so please submit your views online now.

There is no end date listed on their website, so act now to make sure your voice is heard!

Act swiftly!

Work on the Horniman Gardens project began at the start of this year and although there has been a lot of disruption, great progress has been made. The £2.3 million project will improve access and repair tired infrastructure and facilities, install new facilities for the community, and help to unlock the educational potential of the Gardens and their links with the Museum's collections, by exciting new interpretation and planting schemes, and a purpose-built learning and community centre - now known as the Pavilion.

While most of the funding has been secured, the Horniman are still looking for further funds to complete the project. Joe Swift, garden designer, presenter of BBC TV's Gardener's World and Patron of the Horniman, has donated an hour's consultation to a charity auction. You can now bid online, but hurry as the auction closes at noon on Monday 25th July. They are hoping to raise £1000, so dig deep! All proceeds from the auction will go to the Horniman Gardens Appeal.

Please note that the consultation, which is for up to an hour, is limited to gardens within the M25 and must be taken by 31st July 2012.

To find out more about the progress of the project, click here.

19 July 2011

Capital Clean Up

If you are at a loose end tomorrow or on Saturday, then why not lend a hand to Capital Clean Up.

Following on from last year's success, they have already run eight sessions this year, cleaning various areas including tidying the path opposite Sainsbury's in Forest Hill, and have a couple more sessions remaining.

The first is at Willow Way on Wednesday 20 July from 10 am to noon. Simply turn up if you would like to help. The clean-up involves removing overgrown vegetation and weeds, cleaning off graffiti (where possible), removing flyposters and clearing and sweeping litter. Lewisham council will provide necessary PPE such as hi-viz jackets and gloves but please bring your own sturdy boots and old clothes.

The final session is at Sydenham Garden's De Frene Road Allotment Site on Saturday 23 July from 10  to 2 pm. Apart from the usual volunteers, this event will be joined by 35 members of the Fourth Monkey theatre group and members of the local Safer Neighbourhood Team. Due to the numbers expected, please take suitable gloves with you.

20 June 2011

Bloomin' Marvellous

As you are hopefully aware, Forest Hill Society has entered the RHS "It's Your Neighbourhood" scheme and planted the beds outside the station. But now it is your chance.

The annual Lewisham in Bloom competition is here again.

The competition which is open to residents, schools and businesses, gives recognition to the best front gardens, residential planters, business premises, school grounds, wildlife gardens and community gardens in the borough.

There are prizes of £150, £100 and £75 for the winners and runners up.

There are six categories:

Category A: Residential front garden (small – under 20m squared)
Category B: Residential front garden (large – over 20m squared)
Category C: Residential planters (window boxes, hanging baskets, tubs etc)
Category D: Business premises
Category E: School grounds
Category F: Wildlife garden
Category G: Community garden

To enter, download and complete the application form, stating which category you are entering, and return it to Lewisham Council by Wednesday 29 June.

For more information call Katy on 020 8314 2277.

21 April 2011

Forest Hill in Bloom

Many thanks to everybody involved in planting the flowers around Forest Hill station over the last couple of weeks. We hope everybody enjoys the improvements this will make to the station forecourt and the station platforms.

13 April 2011

Bursting into Bloom

The Forest Hill Society’s entry in the London in Bloom ‘It’s your neighbourhood’ category has been accepted. The Localities’ Fund award from Lewisham Council is agreed and dates are set.

Forest Hill station forecourt will be the centre of our attention – being the most visible point of entry and exit in our town, but with a leafleting and poster campaign in the offing, we hope to inspire individuals, shops and businesses to brighten up their homes, shops and premises with flowers.

The programme is: Saturday 9 April 10.00am – 1.00pm: work with volunteers from Nature’s Gym to help dig the existing beds.

Saturday 16 April from 2.30pm: All ages welcome to help with the replanting. If you join in, many hands will make light work of transforming the station forecourt into a thing of beauty. Forest Hill will bloom this year!

08 April 2011

Bring & Take

The Forest Hill Society and The Friends of Devonshire Road Nature Reserve are running another Bring and Take Day at the Devonshire Rd. Nature Reserve, 170 Devonshire Road, SE23 3SZ on Sunday 10th April 11.00 – 3.00pm

Bring something you no longer need…….

Bicycles, Push-chairs, Hard-back books, CD’s, DVD’s, Small items of Furniture, Household Ornaments, Musical Instruments, High-quality Clothing, Footwear, Tools, Electrical goods, Kitchenware etc

Take something you can put to good use!!

All items should be in good working order
No bric-a-brac or general re-cycling

Tea, Coffee and homemade cakes for sale and the Nature Reserve will be open for visitors

24 March 2011

Dacres Wood Nature Reserve and Field Centre Open Afternoon

Organised by Forest Hill Society and Friends Of Mayow Park
27TH MARCH 2011 from 1pm to 4pm

This small nature reserve has woodland and a meadow. A special feature of the site is the wetland area which is a remnant of the old Croydon Canal, bypassed when the railway was built.
Forest Hill Society and the Friends of Mayow Park are pleased to have arranged an open afternoon for the public, with history talks at the field centre, guided walks and activities for all the family.

Refreshments will be available

How to find the Dacres Wood Field Studies Centre and Nature Reserve:
Entry will be via the Field Centre which is near the junction of Dacres Road with Silverdale, between Homefield House and Catling Close. An unmarked driveway leads directly to the Field Centre from Dacres Road. Parking is available on Dacres Road and other nearby roads.

View Larger Map

22 March 2011

More little Russets

In the last Newsletter, we told you about Tom and Sara Russet’s plan to celebrate their daughter’s birth by planting some Russet apple trees on Albion Millennium Green.

Well, on 23 January the planting ceremony was carried out and we hope that in years to come Nell Margie Russet - and the rest of the community - will be able to enjoy the fruit planted in her honour. We would love to hear from other members of any similar stories!

To the right: Tom, Sara and Nell enjoying the planting

Community says “NO” to loss of Park!

The Honor Oak Recreation Ground is a much loved and valuable resource for people in Forest Hill, Honor Oak and further afield, many of whom have no external space or garden access.

The users of the space have been right over the years to suspect that Southwark Council has been planning to take even more of the space for burials.

TV cameras at the Rec (cemetery in the background) Local authorities encourage residents to take more exercise and are active in promoting sporting opportunities for all. But then Southwark move to take away the very sites where these activities can take place.

Southwark's Executive Cabinet recently announced it will be reviewing the ground for more burial space. With the formation of an online petition by local residents against the move, the Forest Hill Society acted quickly to ensure that as many people knew about this as possible.

We raised the issue on the Today programme and BBC London News with interviews with FHS Chair Richard Hibbert and Councillor Alex Feakes.

Because of the activity and views of local residents, and coverage in the national media organised by the Forest Hill Society, the meeting, scheduled for 28 February, was moved to the end of March. So there's more time to ensure that we don’t lose this considerable local amenity and leisure space.

The online petition has over 1,300 signatures; please consider adding yours:

Residents and local residents' groups can still demonstrate how much demand there is for the site, raise awareness locally and building support for the campaign. Find out more at: