Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environment. Show all posts

24 June 2013

Edible High Road prize winners

Congratulations to Jake, Arthur, Olga and Edith who won our competition by completing the Treasure Trail Quiz and drawing a picture which represented gardening in SE23.

The lucky winners were awarded their prizes of ceramic bird feeders and some seeds for the garden, with ice cream or sweets for the winners by Edible High Road coordinator, Alisa Owens. Alisa said “It was a difficult decision, but these were the clear winners. It's great to see the difference the Edible High Road has made to the look and feel of Forest Hill and how it has brought people to the High Street”.

The prizes were donated by local traders, Shannon's Garden Centre and Sugar Mountain.

11 June 2013

Farewell Gordon

It has come to our attention that Gordon Lucas is leaving the Horniman at the end of the week. According to the Friends of the Horniman,

Gordon Lucas, the Horniman Gardens' Manager, will be leaving his post on 14 June. He has been a staunch supporter of the Friends since he first came to the Horniman 15 years ago and will be much missed.

The annual Plant Sale and Art Exhibition are just two events for which his help has been invaluable, but especially the Plant Sale into which he has put so much time and effort. And let's not forget all the work the Garden team, led by Gordon, put into the re-design of the Gardens last year.

In recognition, therefore, of his many years of service to the Friends, a collection is being taken for a farewell gift. If you would like to make a contribution towards a leaving present for Gordon, please make a cheque payable to ‘The Friends of The Horniman’, with a note that it is for Gordon's farewell gift and send it to:

Ann Wallace,
Chair of the Friends of the Horniman,
Horniman Museum,
100 London Road,
Forest Hill. SE23 3UE.

We would like to echo those sentiments and wish Gordon and his family every success in the future. His warm smile and friendly welcome will be greatly missed.

If you would like to contribute, please deliver your cheque directly to the Horniman as above or click this button to send your donation via PayPal

22 March 2013

The Edible High Road

This summer Perry Vale, London Road and Dartmouth Road will be transformed into an Urban Orchard and community garden and we’re inviting all traders to take part!

More and more people in Forest Hill are enjoying growing their own fruit, herbs and vegetables.  This area has allotments and community orchards and gardens; it’s a true food growing hub. In honour of all this fruitiness, the Forest Hill Society, in partnership with Shannon's Garden Centre and Lewisham Gardens, will be hosting The Edible High Road.

This event will be part of the Chelsea Fringe, a massive, London-wide flower and gardening festival which takes place from Saturday 18 May to Sunday 9 June 2013. One of last year's most successful events was the Chiswick Edible High Road, organised by Abundance London. This year, several more high streets have taken up the challenge and over twenty Forest Hill shops and businesses along Perry Vale, London Road and Dartmouth Road have already decided to join in and host a blossoming fruit tree or two.

Each business will receive a fruit tree in an attractive container to display outside their premises for the three-weeks of The Edible High Road. The pot will also be planted with sweet-scented herbs like parsley, coriander and basil. Each tree will be fixed with a tag with its variety and basic care instructions. After the Festival the fruit trees can be donated to local schools and the Albion Millennium Green community orchard, or shops are welcome to keep their beautiful fruit tree.

We are also planning a series of events for the three weeks, so if you're keen to get involved, then drop an email to

20 March 2013

Devonshire Road Nature Reserve AGM

If you would you like to know more about the Devonshire Road Nature Reserve go along to the Friends' Annual General Meeting on the 31st March at 1:30pm at Devonshire Road Nature Reserve, 170 Devonshire Rd, SE23 3SZ.
During the meeting they’ll be electing their Executive Committee for the coming year.
If you have any questions or would like to know more please drop an e-mail to or visit their website at

19 February 2013

Bring something good, take something better

Bring and Take Poster

This Saturday, 23 February, sees our sixth Bring and Take event (which is slightly misnamed) take place at Devonshire Road Nature Reserve, 170 Devonshire Road, SE23 3SZ - you can just take if you so desire. Simply Bring any good quality items for somebody else to reuse and Take anything you fancy; all for free.

We cannot accept the following items:

  • NO Electrical items larger than a toaster
  • NO DVD/VHS/CD recorders / players
  • NO TVs, PCs or monitors
  • NO printers or scanners
  • NO VHS or cassette tapes
  • NO vacuum cleaners
  • NO Furniture or carpets
  • NO Jumble or broken items
as Lewisham Council will not be taking away the unwanted items this time.

09 October 2012

Planting at Forest Hill and Honor Oak Park Stations - 20th October

Forest Hill Society are planning autumn bulb planting and general tidy-up for the areas we've planted in Forest Hill and Honor Oak Park on Saturday 20th October 2.00-4.00pm, meeting in the forecourt of Forest Hill Station and Honor Oak Park station for simultaneous planting at both stations!

Could you please let us know if you are likely to be available as it is very useful to have an idea how many people might be helping -

We hope to see you on the 20th October, with gardening gloves, and if you can bring secateurs, trowel and a spare plastic bag. Many hands make light work - and it's fun!

14 July 2012

Devonshire Road Open Day

The Friends of Devonshire Road Nature Reserve will be having an Open Day from 11AM - 6PM tomorrow, Sunday 15 July.

There will be a chance to meet the bees (which are now safely in their new home), go for nature walks and listen to live music from Shadrack Tye, Flaky Jake, Matt Allin, Fox and the Feather, Felix Glenn and the Forest Hillbillies while enjoying plenty of Food and drnk.

24 May 2012

Light at the end of the tunnel

Local residents have been complaining about the underpass between London Road and Perry Vale for many years - indeed the Sydenham Society was campaigning on this issue long before the Forest Hill Society was formed.

Progress has been particularly slow because of ownership issues and the bodies involved; it has been unclear who has responsibility for what - Network Rail own the right of way, Lewisham are responsible for some bits and Southern / TfL have had an interest as station operators. However, it appears as though we may be making progress as Lewisham has finally settled an Asset Protection Agreement with Network Rail which defines the scope for the project and assigns responsibilities.

Lewisham have allocated a budget of £126,000 for the project which includes funds from the developers of the flats on Perry Vale (Section 106 monies). However, this is not enough money to pay for all the works which we would like.

At a recent meeting with the council, it was therefore decided that they should proceed with refurbishing the subway. It was agreed that it would be far more expensive to retrofit cladding to the ceiling than to repair the steps and handrails, especially as this would require re-engineering the cladding. The approved works will therefore include

  • installation of new drainage channels to pathway and track bed
  • resurfaciong of the footpath
  • cleaning, repairing and painting over the mural ready for fresh artwork
  • cladding the walls and ceiling of the section under the tracks (the part currently painted white).

The works will be carried out at the same time as the lighting is replaced under the Skanska PFI contract. At the moment, this is envisaged to happen some time after September, but the schedule for Year 2 of that contract has not yet been agreed.

In the meantime, Lewisham will keep the pressure on Network Rail to come up with funds to refurbish the steps at both ends, to include repairing and renewing the treads and replacing the handrails with DDA compliant grab rails at both ends of the underpass. You can help by writing to JIm Dowd at, letting him know your feelings and urging him to raise the matter with the Chief Executive of Network Rail.

30 April 2012

Honor Oak Rec's future

Southwark Council have published their Cemetery Strategy, which will go before the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday, 8 May 2012. The meeting will be held in the Ground Floor Meeting Room G02A at 160 Tooley Street, London, SE1 2QH.

According to the Executive summary, the Strategy considers a range of options addressing short, medium and long term provision of burial space, and focusses on the Camberwell Old Cemetery and Camberwell New Cemetery.

The ‘immediate’ options presented to cabinet have been considered and are being developed alongside and as part of the ‘short term’ options proposed in this report. These include recently decontaminated land at the old Honor Oak Nursery site, as well as an area of old public (or common) graves in the south of Camberwell Old Cemetery which requires to be ‘topped up’ with soil to enable it to receive burials. A wooded area of virgin ground in the west of Camberwell New Cemetery is similarly proposed to be taken forward.

In addition further burial is proposed for the remainder of the old nursery site and for a second area of public graves that had previously been ‘topped up’ in the north of Camberwell Old Cemetery. These proposals also include capacity for Muslim burials.

‘Medium Term’ options from 2022 onward include the re-use of unmarked public graves older than 75 years old (and in most instances nearly 95 years old) in consecrated parts of Camberwell Old and Camberwell New Cemeteries. This would be subject to church permission (a ‘Faculty’) and any remains encountered would be re-interred and recorded in a consecrated grave adjacent. This has been approach has been successful elsewhere, notably in the City of London Cemetery.

In addition, in the medium term, it is proposed that rights to private graves older than 75 years could be cancelled under the provisions of an Act of parliament of 1975. Unused space in that grave could then be reclaimed for burial, or alternatively, if the grave is set within consecrated ground, the grave could be re-used subject to a Faculty. In these instances memorials would be selected and where appropriate restored and reinscribed.

The whole process would require the adherence to a Conservation Management Plan bespoke to each cemetery. Reclamation of graves along with the restoration/re-inscription of memorials has also been successfully implemented at the City of London.

Other measures proposed in the medium term include development of mausoleum sites in Camberwell Old and Camberwell New Cemeteries and the remediation and use of a disturbed area of ground (currently being investigated) in the north west of Camberwell Old Cemetery.

According to the Strategy report, medium term options potentially provide space until 2040 depending on burial rates and delivery of space. However, the Council has been noticebly inaccurate in its previous estimates. Long term options proposed include the re-use and reclamation of both private and public graves, mainly in Camberwell New Cemetery.

There are, however clouds on the horizon.

Firstly, whilst other authorities in London may re-use private graves in areas that are not consecrated (under the provisions of Acts of parliament of 1976 and 2007), that same provision does not extend to Southwark on account of the way the 2007 Act is drafted. This needs legal clarification and/or a change in the law to remedy and it is proposed that Southwark should pursue that matter in the short and medium term.

Secondly, most areas of Camberwell New Cemetery do not become ‘old’ enough for re-use until at least 2045, by which time all the short and medium term options will have been exhausted.

The Strategy report proposes taking up a third of Honor Oak Park to bridge this gap, whilst retaining the football pitches and substantively enhancing the remainder of the Park. (See page 65 of Strategy Report)

The Strategy report recognises that this is likely to be unpopular and, at this point in time, it is not an option preferred by the Council. The Strategy therefore considers it essential that the Council should also conduct a review of Nunhead Cemetery to ascertain whether there is any scope for limited reclamation/re-use in conjunction with restoration. In addition, the Council should work in partnership with other London authorities and seek to secure alternative burial space, (potentially also including natural burial space) by way of an additional landholding.

We appreciate that this is a sensitive issue and that the land was originally purchased for use as burial plots. However, although a lot of the area had been developed by the time the New Cemetery was purchased in 1901, significant further development has gone on as evidenced by the large number of 1930's houses nearby. We must, therefore, keep the pressure on to ensure that the amenity provided by Honor Oak Rec is not lost to future generations.

20 April 2012

News and Events - April to May 2012

We have been extremely busy in the past three months, pushing forwards various projects including our "Portas Pilot" bid.  If you haven't seen the video yet, then please watch it on Youtube and then and 'Like' it.  The link is
This month there is plenty going on:
Sunday, 22 April 10am-4pm Forest Hill Food Fair at Forest Hill Station
We will have a Market at the station, with eight stalls selling various produce and a taster trail involving nine pubs, cafes, restaurants and a sweet shop offering small portions for you to try - go along and sample those restaurants you haven't yet tried

Saturday, 28 April 2pm - 4pm Honor Oak Planting Honor Oak Park Station
Join us as we start this year's "In Bloom" effort with planting at Honor Oak Park Station.  All you need is a little enthusiasm - we have four planters to plant and may try to clear the weeds by the bins too.  Beginners welcome.  If you cannot make it on the day, please contact to get involved with the watering and nurturing of the plants.
Sunday, 29 April 11:30am - 3:30pm Birds of Prey Devonshire Road Nature Reserve, 170 Devonshire Road, SE23 3SZ
The Devonshire Road Nature Reserve are hosting another of their successful "Birds of Prey" days.   There will be flights at 12 noon and 1:30pm, with tickets limited to 80 per flying session (Adults £3, Children £2, Family £8).  The reserve will be open until 5:30pm.
Some photos from a previous event can be seen here.
Sunday, 29 April 2:30pm - 4pm Forest Hill Planting Forest Hill Station
Come along and build on last year's success.  We only have two new planters to plant as two have been damaged in storage, but we need to tend to the existing beds as well.  Beginners welcome - all you need is a little enthusiasm.  If you cannot make it on the day, please contact to get involved with the watering and nurturing of the plants.
Saturday, 12 May 10:25am Lullingstone Castle outing Meet at Catford Bridge Station
Lullingstone Castle is one of England's oldest family estates, dating back to the time of Domesday.  Henry VIII and Queen Anne were both regular visitors.  In addition to the Manor House and Norman Church, the World Garden is a special attraction.
The Forest Hill and Sydenham Societies are arranging a joint trip.  If interested, please contact Quetta by emailing Departure will be 10.25 a.m. from Catford Bridge station to Eynsford.  This is one station beyond Zone 6 so a ticket for the extra should be purchased at Catford Bridge if using a Travelcard.
Light refreshments are available on site or at the Country Visitors' Centre a short walk away along a path beside the River Darent - or take a picnic with you.
Please book your ticket with Quetta the week before the visit - i.e. between Monday April 30th and Saturday May 5th so that we can qualify for the Group rate (£6, in additon to train fare).   
Saturday, 12 May 11am - 3pm Sydenham Garden Spring Fair 28A Wynell Road, SE23 2LW
Sydenham Garden's annual Spring Fair takes place on Saturday 12th May 2012, 11am to 3pm.
They are a community charity and part of their mission is to involve the local community in their project, which offers therapeutic horticulture and creative opportunities to promote the physical and mental wellbeing of residents. There will be a stall aimed at promoting wellbeing and breaking the taboo about talking about mental ill health - their clients will be running many stalls at the event.  Go along and find out more about who they are, what they do and why.
Saturday & Sunday, 12-13, 19-20 May 11am - 6pm Open Artists Havelock Walk and others
Various artists are opening their doors as part of the Dulwich Festival.   
Almost all venues are open on the first weekend and many are also open on the second. A few venues are open on the second weekend only. For easy reference in the booklet and on the maps, green denotes venues open on both weekends, blue those open on the first only and yellow those open on the second weekend only. There is also an alphabetical list of artists at the back of the booklet.  Full details can be found at

02 April 2012

Into the Garden

Sydenham Garden will be opening its gates to the public for a unique musical event. Dreamt up by two students from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, ‘Into the Garden’ is all about promoting local musicians and highlighting the work of Sydenham Garden.
This is not your average concert; everyone is welcome to pop in at any time during the event. Performers will include the fabulous Sydenham Garden Choir and students from the Guildhall School, with further acts to be confirmed. Please see their website for the latest information –
The event will run from 2.30-5.30pm on Sunday, 15 April at Sydenham Garden (28a Wynell Road, SE23 2LW) with performances taking place around the garden throughout the afternoon. There will be plenty of refreshments and homemade cakes on sale. Entrance is free, but donations for Sydenham Garden will be welcomed. They ask that children under 16 are accompanied by a responsible adult.

12 March 2012



Join us on our Woodland Walk. Starting from London Road, Horniman Gardens lower entrance, bottom of Sydenham Hill (not Sydenham Rise). A guided walk will take us through Sydenham Woods looking at the disused railway line and spring flowers. 'Pissarro's bridge' is shown to the right.

Join us for Forest Hill in Bloom 2012!
Meet at 2.30pm, Sat 28 April, at the station forecourt. Bring gardening gloves, trowel and a plastic bag.
We will be holding a similar event in Honor Oak Park (timing to be confirmed)

Sydenham Garden

Established for ten years, this community project provides gardening and art therapy to local people with physical or mental health issues.

The new resource centre was opened in 2010 and the Garden is looking to expand to serve other community needs. The Gardens are actually just in Forest Hill, on Wynell Road, next to the Forest Hill Bowls club on the site of a, wait for it ... a former market garden (used up to the middle of the last century. The Gardens were proud to win a Lewisham in Bloom prize last year.

The charity has ambitious plans to grow food commercially at the former allotments in De Frene Road. Rubbish and debris has been cleared to get the land ready. In coming years you will dine in local fashionable restaurants knowing your produce is both fresh, local and supports the community. See for further details including how to get involved and open days.

New Community Orchard

The community orchard in Mayow Park was planted on Saturday 28th January 2012, after months of preparation that saw Friends of Mayow Park (FOMP) working with London Orchard Project (LOP) and Lewisham Council.

Numerous local adults and children helped, learning from LOP how to dig a square hole, mulch and stake the trees. Eleven trees were planted: ten trees were sponsored by local people and one was a gift. The Society sponsored the Brandy Pear tree, which is a medium sharp perry pear.

Six people volunteered to be orchard carers. They will receive basic training on care for the trees and will water them during the growing season for the first two years. A fruiting hedgerow was also planted. We look forward to autumn fruit harvesting and other celebrations annually. If you would like to be an orchard carer or would like to know more about the orchard. Contact FOMP on

Environment & Leisure

The Environment & Leisure Committee continues to work to promote SE23 as a green, clean and exciting place in which to live, work and play.

Volunteers worked with Lewisham's Nature's Gym to plant hedgerow whips and create a stag beetle loggery in the Horniman Triangle on Saturday 18 February and we ran our fourth Bring and Take Day on February 25, this time at Holy Trinity Church hall in Sydenham Road.

Following the success of the Christmas tree-lighting event in the station forecourt, we are working to use that space again on Sunday 22 April for a St George's Day themed food market featuring the 'best of English produce'.

Our gardening volunteers are hoping to improve on our 2011 In Bloom 'thriving' award by adding summer planting to brighten the station platform planters and, in the nearby town centre, new planters will be added and planted up on April 28th. New granite planters will also be installed at the entrance to Honor Oak Park station.

A joint trip is being planned with the Sydenham Society for a guided tour of Lullingstone Castle and its World Garden in Kent on Saturday, May 12th. Anyone wishing to help or join in with any of the above activities please contact

01 March 2012

Raise the Barn at Devonshire Road Nature Reserve

The Devonshire Road Nature Reserve is looking for volunteers to help build the new Green Oak Shelter.

Specialist green-oak carpenter and teacher Tom Trimmins is running free carpentry workshops on three Saturdays, March 3rd, 17th and 31st from 10.00am until 2.00pm. Contact for details.

The oak frame will be erected on April 1st; we’ll be throwing a party to celebrate, so dig out your dancing clogs. There’ll be hard work, music and food and drink. Families welcome to come and ‘raise the barn’!

17 February 2012

New swings for Horniman Triangle

Last June, bids were requested for the Forest Hill ward's Assembly Fund.

Various people suggested on local forums that the Horniman Triangle could do with some swings, especially for the younger children. Unfortunately, nobody followed through and no application was received by the Co-ordinating Committee at their initial review. It was agreed, however, that the Forest Hill Society could submit a bid as it was felt that the need was there.

The Forest Hill Society therefore visited play parks throughout London and researched suppliers before putting in a last minute bid. This was successful and £9,500 was allocated from a combination of the Assembly Fund and Localities Fund. The Council agreed that they would deliver the project, which allowed the monies to go further as we would not have to pay VAT on the equipment.

The swings have now been installed and will hopefully provide many hours of enjoyment in the years to come. A big thank you to all those involved in this project.

The Forest Hill Society bid on four projects from the Forest Hill Assembly. These were:
Weatherproof Games in the Park
Horniman Theme for Empty Shops
Town Centre Planting Scheme and
Swings for Horniman Triangle.

Other projects which received funding from the Forest Hill Assembly Fund were:
Platform One
Safety Rulez – Part II: A Community Cohesion Project working with 12 girls aged 13-15 currently facing difficulties at school
Friends of Albion Millennium Green
Wildlife Hedgerow, Fencing and 8 New Fruit Trees for Community Orchard Open Air Theatre Millennium Green
Ageing Well in Lewisham
Arts Befriending Group and Theatre project-to help isolated older people
Healthy Living Workshops, teaching and encouraging cooking, nutrition and gardening
Sydenham and Forest Hill Youth Forum
Youth forum workshops, training young people to fundraise for our organisation
Friends of Devonshire Road Nature Reserve
New Green Oak Shelter for the Devonshire Road Nature Reserve
Kirkdale Village Traders Association
Kirkdale Village Beautification
Horniman Museum
Busy Bees - Sessions for under fives and parents, at the Horniman Museum

03 February 2012

Swinging in the Triangle

Following funding secured by the Forest Hill Society from the Forest Hill ward assembly, work will start on Monday installing swings in the Horniman Triangle.

The plan is for five swings; two flats swings, two swings with bars for babies, and one 'birds nest' swing for sharing and for children with mobility difficulties.

In addition there will be two all weather games tables suitable for table tennis for older children or for adults to use.

We are not sure how long the work will take and some machinery may need to be brought in to facilitate the installation, but by the Easter holidays we will have some fantastic new facilities in the park. In addition the work in the Horniman Gardens across the road should be complete this spring with a new animal enclosure, education centre, outdoor musical play, and a water feature in the centre of the sunken garden.

27 January 2012

Local Crime Survey

The Safer Lewisham Partnership wants your views and your experiences of crime and anti-social behaviour in Lewisham. The results of the Lewisham Crime Survey will be used by the partnership, which includes Lewisham Council, the police, probation and fire services, health, and voluntary groups, to set its annual priorities. The online survey will only take a few minutes to complete.

18 January 2012

Mayow Park Orchard

The Friends of Mayow Park are planning a new community orchard on the southern side of the park, very near the tennis courts. The proposal is for five apple varieties, three pears (including two varieties of perry pear) and two varieties of plum bordered by a hedgerow of mirabelles, gooseberries, raspberries, dog rose, redcurrants and blackcurrants.

They are looking for individuals or community groups to sponsor or care for the fruit trees. If you are interested in either possibility, please email them at

Several of their members recently attended the Orchard Leaders Training day run by London Orchard Project where training included fruit tree planting and maintenance, community engagement and starting to write an orchard management plan in preparation for the new orchard.

London Orchard project will lead the community planting day on Saturday, 28 January from noon to 3pm, bringing trees, stakes, tree guards and tools. All that is needed is a few volunteers! Go along and get involved.